tweeny ECS demo (2019) » Devlog

The last (at least at the time of writing this) project from the ECS romance triad was Tweeny ECS.
I have a strong and weird relationship with values between 0 and 1. My professional career always involved a lot of tweaking values, making timelines and sequencing events and I often found myself writing the same things over and over again. Tweeny ECS was a bold attempt to break this chain and make a fast, easy-to-use system that will stick with me for a long time. And I failed. I got all the stuff working nicely but making it production-ready as I assumed at the start was simply too much work.
I learned my lessons, said "Goodbye!" to ECS and moved towards the next big thing waiting ahead of me.
20191116.zip 19 MB
Nov 05, 2020
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